Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sociology 101

So, one day, I decided to go back to school. This happened many years ago. I finally did something about it just prior to this semester! And when I say prior, I mean a couple days prior to the semester starting. So, I picked the first class that wasn't full through the online program, payed my fees, spent the weekend working out the technical kinks on the computer, and VOILA!
I am a student in Sociology 101.
After only being a couple of weeks into the the class, I have become aware of a few things.
1. I am old enough to be the mom of most of my classmates.
2. I don't read as fast as I used to when it comes to textbooks.
3. That while I love to read, textbook are, well, not so fun.
4. That I better get an A or my home schooled kids will not let me live it down.
So, would you like to know what I am learning? I am learning that sociologists are very whiny. Yep, you heard me, whiny. I can only hope my instructor will not read my blog and let it affect my grade. Wah, wah, wah. This social environment suppresses this guy, this social structure is unfair to this guy, those beliefs are not sacred and are man-made and should be rethought. Wah, wah, wah. The funny thing is....well.....I think I might like it! While I usually frown on a constant tirade of complaints, these social criticisms have got me thinking. I am now analyzing why I do what I do? Not in some psychological way. But really wondering about my upbringing, my culture, my country, other people, other places- how does it all effect why I do what I do?
Now, I am not saying that it is time to pick one's life apart to its bare nubbin's. But don't you wonder why you are more comfortable with people who look like you or have the same religion? Don't you ever wonder why you eat dinner at night as oppose to lunchtime? Have you ever wondered why you really put up a Christmas tree, or why you wear shoes that pinch your toes when there are perfectly comfortable shoes out there?
Well, I am wondering, and I like it!
So maybe, it would not hurt to stop and think about why you do what you do along with me. And while you are at it, think about whether it makes your life better and the lives of those around you. It is ok if you feel uncomfortable. It is ok if you become unsure. Because, in the immortal words of one Fat Albert,
"you might learn something before you are done."
I really am glad I am finally going back to school.

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